Disaster Mitigation & Recovery Services, Inc.


Hazard Mitigation Planning

Disasters and associated hazards are becoming all so common and often in so many communities and in our daily life. The difference in outcome or the extent of damages, in most cases, depends on the level of preparedness. Government, agencies, and communities can mitigate and reduce the impact of disasters. FEMA’s hazard mitigation assistance provides some funding for eligible mitigation measures, that helps reduce disaster and associated loses.

DMRS therefore, will help our clients prepare and develop mitigation strategies for natural and man-made disasters.

Infrastructure Recovery Engineering

DMRS specializes in Infrastructure Planning, Infrastructure Engineering, and Sustainability. Infrastructure has wide range of meaning and connotation. However, simply put, infrastructing is a set physical, organizational facilities, and systems that supports the operation and functionality of society or enterprise. Typical examples of Infrastructure include transportation systems, communication networks, sewage, water, buildings, roads, power supplies, and broad band. DMRS Engineers and Planners have extensive expertise in the Planning, Design, Maintenance of Physical Public Infrastructure.

What to Expect from DMRS:
It is essential to evaluate the current and future needs of our clients based on current functionality and key growth matrix. Following the assessment and evaluation, the next sequence involves performing inventories and functional sustainability. Thereafter, a projection or future need analysis will be performed using accepted industry matrix and factors.

Design & Permitting of Infrastructure Projects
DMRS experience and knowledge of regulation requirements, help expedite and navigate the approval process of key infrastructure projects. Let DMRS assist your organization or agency with your next Infrastructure rehabilitation project.

Comprehensive Emergency Management Planning

Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) entails coordinating strategic processes that encourages coordinated framework, individually or collectively between federal, state, tribal, and local governments to prepare for, respond to, recover from, and mitigate potential adverse impact from disasters.

General CEMP framework helps
mitigate impact of natural or man-made disasters that could affect the health, safety, and general welfare of residents.

DMRS will assist our clients (federal, state, tribal, local government, and agencies) in developing cost-effective CEMP. The four (4) key elements are as follows: Preparedness, Response, Recovery, and Mitigation.

Grants Administration

Community Development Block Grant Program
In 1974, United States Congress passed the Housing and Community Development Act. This Act provides funding for Housing and Community Development activities. This federal program _____ administered by the United States Development of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) consists of these components.

  1. Entitlement Program- which provides funds directly to Urban communities.
  2. State Program- which are funds allocated to the states for distribution to eligible non-entitlement communities.


Many states received funds from the Federal Government and interested eligible communities can apply for grant awards through a competitive process. Examples of CDBG funded projects include:

  • Streets and Sidewalk Improvements
  • Rehabilitation of substandard Housing
  • Water and Sewer Improvements
  • Park facilities and Community Centers
  • Drainage and Stormwater Improvements
  • Downtown Revitalization
  • Economic Development Activities

Project Qualification Requirements
To qualify for funding and award, each project or activity must meet one of the following Federal objectives:

  • Benefit to Low-and Moderate-Income Persons- at least 51 percent of the beneficiaries must be low- and moderate-income persons (total household income is at or below 80 percent of the area’s median income), – Elimination of Slum and Blight- eliminate conditions of slum or blight as defined by state law and identified by the unit of local government on a spot or area basis,


  • Address an Urgent Need- the activity must alleviate a condition that poses a serious and immediate threat to those living in the area. The condition must have occurred within 18 months of application. The unit of local government must demonstrate that it is unable to finance the activity on its own and that other funding is not available.

Funding Categories
The program focuses on the following four funding categories:

  1. Commercial Revitalization
  2. Economic Development
  3. Housing Rehabilitation, and
  4. Neighborhood Revitalization


DMRS staff and associates can help your community or organization apply for and receive the small cities CDBG program funding. Our staff and Associates have helped several communities with the Small Cities CDBG program. DMRS can assist with the following:

  • Provide assistance to eligible communities.
  • Help with determination of Eligibility.
  • Prepare documentation for Grant Administration.
  • Help prepare plans and exhibits necessary for application approval or consideration.
  • Project Management
  • Provide Engineering & Permitting services for CDBG projects.
  • Provide training for communities and organizations.

Education, Training, and Pre-Disaster Conference

DMRS develops practical efficient training programs that ensures and gives communities, organizations, and agencies practical and knowledge-based skills that enhances practical approach to different disaster situations, recovery, and re-construction.

To inquire the next/upcoming conference, please fill the form below:

Conference Information
Markets We Serve

Federal, State, and Local Governments

Organizations and Associations

Schools, Universities, and Education

Critical Infrastructure

Ports & Transportation


Special Venues

Churches & Civic Groups

Our Professionals
& Expertise

  • Professional Engineers
  • Coastal Engineers
  • Environmental Scientists
  • Floodplain Managers
  • Homeland Security Professionals
  • Marketing & Media Specialists
  • Project Managers
  • Public Health Professionals
  • Researchers
  • Risk Managers
  • Construction Managers